
Papers in Scientific Journals

Chapters in Books

Updated on 31st January 2022



Leire Luque-García, Gonzalo García-Baquero, Aitana Lertxundi, Wael K. Al-Delaimy, Tiffany C. Yang, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Mònica Guxens, Rosemary R.C. McEachan, Martine Vrijheid, Marisa Estarlich, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen, Jesús Ibarluzea. Exposure to different types of residential greenness during pregnancy and early childhood and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosis: A nested case-control study, Science of The Total Environment, Volume 969, 2025, 178907

Rachelle A. Pretorius, Demetris Avraam, Mònica Guxens, Jordi Julvez, Jennifer R. Harris, Johanna Thorbjornsrud Nader, Tim Cadman, Ahmed Elhakeem, Katrine Strandberg-Larsen, Hanan El Marroun, Serena Defina, Tiffany C. Yang, Rosie McEachan, John Wright, Jesús Ibarluzea, Loreto Santa-Marina, Juana Mari Delgado, Marisa Rebagliato, Marie-Aline Charles, Chloe Vainqueur, Silvia Maritano, Daniela Zugna, Wen Lun Yuan, Barbara Heude & Rae-Chi Huang. Is maternal diabetes during pregnancy associated with neurodevelopmental, cognitive and behavioural outcomes in children? Insights from individual participant data meta-analysis in ten birth cohorts. BMC Pediatrics volume 25, Article number: 76 (2025)


Delgado-Saborit, Juana Maria; Cartanyà Hueso, Àurea; Hole, Arne Risa; Carrasco, Paula; Esplugues, Ana; Estarlich, Marisa and Ballester, Ferran (2024) Assessment of the health impacts and costs associated with indoor nitrogen dioxide exposure related to gas cooking in the European Union and the United Kingdom. Universitat Jaume I, Castellon de la Plana, Spain

Alfaro, C.; Porru, S.; Barberá-Riera, M.; Esplugues, A.; Galindo, N.; Carrasco, P.; Aparicio, E.; Barneo-Muñoz, M.; Estarlich, M.; Esteve-Cano, V.; Ballester, F.; Rebagliato, M.; Iñiguez, C.; Bellido-Blasco, J. B.; de Llanos, R.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M., SARS-CoV-2 detection in aerosol from community indoor environments. Building and Environment 2024, 261.

Barbera-Riera, M.; Barneo-Muñoz, M.; Gasco-Laborda, J. C.; Blasco, J. B.; Porru, S.; Alfaro, C.; Cano, V. E.; Carrasco, P.; Rebagliato, M.; de Llanos, R.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M., Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols in long term care facilities and other indoor spaces with known COVID-19 outbreaks. Environmental Research 2024, 242.

Porru, S.; Esplugues, A.; Llop, S.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M., The effects of heavy metal exposure on brain and gut microbiota: A systematic review of animal studies. Environmental Pollution 2024, 348.

Osinga, J. A. J.; … Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; … Korevaar, T. I. M., Risk Factors for Thyroid Dysfunction in Pregnancy: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Thyroid 2024, 34, (5), 646-658.

Okam, A.; Sanderson, P.; Harrison, R. M.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M., Morphological and chemical characterisation of indoor quasi-ultrafine particles. Atmospheric Environment 2024, 318.

Mulder, T. A.; Guxens, M.; Rebagliato, M. L.; Dineva, M.; Bath, S. C.; Hunziker, S.; Sunyer, J.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; Loibide, A. I.; Lertxundi, N.; Muetzel, R. L.; Tiemeier, H.; Peeters, R. P.; Korevaar, T. I. M., Association of Maternal Thyroglobulin With Gestational Thyroid Function and Offspring IQ and Brain Morphology. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2024.

Galan, R.; Pembrey, L.; Bustamante, M.; Aguilar, R.; Mason, D.; Vidal, M.; Bañuls, M.; Roumeliotaki, T.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; Marin, N.; Vrijheid, M.; Bempi, V.; Moncunill, G.; Dobaño, C.; Kogevinas, M.; Karachaliou, M., The association of Helicobacter pylori with adverse pregnancy outcomes in three European birth cohorts. Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth 2024, 24, (1).

Brauer, M;… Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; …; Collaborators, G. B. D. R. F., Global burden and strength of evidence for 88 risk factors in 204 countries and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. Lancet 2024, 403, (10440), 2162-2203.


Subiza-Perez, M.; Garcia-Baquero, G.; Fernandez-Somoano, A.; Riano, I.; Gonzalez, L.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; Guxens, M.; Fossati, S.; Vrijheid, M.; Fernandes, A.; Ibarluzea, J.; Lertxundi, N., Social inequalities, green and blue spaces and mental health in 6-12 years old children participating in the INMA cohort. Health & Place 2023, 83.

Quinteros, M. E.; Blazquez, C.; Ayala, S.; Kilby, D.; Cárdenas R, J. P.; Ossa, X.; Rosas-Diaz, F.; Stone, E. A.; Blanco, E.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; Harrison, R. M.; Ruiz-Rudolph, P., Development of Spatio-Temporal Land Use Regression Models for Fine Particulate Matter and Wood-Burning Tracers in Temuco, Chile. Environmental Science & Technology 2023, 57, (48), 19473-19486.

Quinteros, M. E.; Blanco, E.; Sanabria, J.; Rosas-Diaz, F.; Blazquez, C. A.; Ayala, S.; Cárdenas-R, J. P.; Stone, E. A.; Sybesma, K.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; Harrison, R. M.; Ruiz-Rudolph, P., Spatio-temporal distribution of particulate matter and wood-smoke tracers in Temuco, Chile: A city heavily impacted by residential wood-burning. Atmospheric Environment 2023, 294.

Delgado-Saborit, J. M., Sources, physico-chemical and toxicological properties of indoor air pollution and its health impacts. Toxicology Letters 2023, 384, S56-S56.

Cartanyà-Hueso, A.; Alonso, B. D.; Tobón, S. S. H.; Lora, A. L. M.; Klünder, M. K.; Martínez, B. L.; Suárez, P. D.; Pérez, E. B.; So, P. W.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M., Cross-sectional evaluation of the association between greenness and cognitive performance in Mexican pre-pubertal boys. Environmental Research 2023, 237.

Blanco, E.; Ruiz-Rudolph, P.; Yohannessen, K.; Ayala, S.; Quinteros, M. E.; Delgado-Saborit, J. M.; Blazquez, C. A.; Iglesias, V.; Zapata, D. A.; Bartington, S. E.; Harrison, R. M.; Ossa, X., Temporal and Spatial Trends of Adverse Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes in a Sample of Births from a Public Hospital in Chile. Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine 2023, 100, (3), 513-524.


María Barberá-Riera, Simona Porru, Manuela Barneo-Muñoz, Andrea Villasante Ferrer, Paula Carrasco, Rosa de Llanos, Antoni Llueca, Juana María Delgado-Saborit. 2022. Genetic Load of SARS-CoV-2 in Aerosols Collected in Operating Theaters. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (19), e01297-22

Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Shanon Lim, Alice Hickman, Chris Baker, Benjamin Barratt, Xiaoming Cai, Anna Font, Mathew R Heal, Chun Lin, John E Thornes, Michael Woods, David Green. 2022.Factors affecting occupational black carbon exposure in enclosed railway stations. Atmospheric Environment 289, 119301

John E Thornes, Alice Hickman, Chris Baker, Xiaoming Cai, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Azhar Quaiyoom. 2022. Proposed interventions to reduce noxious air pollution at Birmingham New Street station. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 175 (7), 387-392

Estela Blanco, Francisco Rubilar, Maria Elisa Quinteros, Karen Cayupi, Salvador Ayala, Siyao Lu, Raquel B Jimenez, Juan Pablo Cárdenas, Carola A Blazquez, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Roy M Harrison, Pablo Ruiz-Rudolph. 2022. Spatial distribution of particulate matter on winter nights in Temuco, Chile: Studying the impact of residential wood-burning using mobile monitoring. Atmospheric Environment 286, 119255

Ata Rafiee, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Noel J Aquilina, Hoda Amiri, Mohammad Hoseini. 2022. Assessing oxidative stress resulting from environmental exposure to metals (Oids) in a middle Eastern population. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 44, 8

Sayed Esmaeil Mousavi, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Anna Adivi, Sara Pauwels, Lode Godderis. 2022.Air pollution and endocrine disruptors induce human microbiome imbalances: A systematic review of recent evidence and possible biological mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 816, 151654

Matt Clegg, John Edward Thornes, Debasree Banerjee, Christina Mitsakou, Azhar Quaiyoom, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Revati Phalkey. 2022. Intervention of an Upgraded Ventilation System and Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality at Birmingham New Street Railway Station. International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (1), 575

Ata Rafiee; Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit; Peter Sly; Hoda Amiri ; Mohammad Hoseini. 2022. Exploring urinary biomarkers to assess oxidative DNA damage resulting from BTEX exposure in street children. Environmental Research Volume 203, January 2022, 111725

Estela Blanco, Marcela Marin, Loreto Nuñez, Erika Retamal, Ximena Ossa, Katherine E Woolley, Tosin Oludotun, Suzanne E Bartington, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Roy M Harrison, Pablo Ruiz-Rudolph, María Elisa Quinteros. 2022. Adverse pregnancy and perinatal outcomes in Latin America and the Caribbean: systematic review and meta-analysis. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 46 

Ata Rafiee; Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit; Peter Sly; Hoda Amiri ; Shamim Mosalaei; Mohammad Hoseini. 2022. Health consequences of disinfection against SARS-CoV-2: Exploring oxidative stress damage using a biomonitoring approach. Science of the Total Environment. 814, pp.152832

Matt Clegg, John E. Thornes, Debasree Banerjee, Christina Mitsakou, Azhar Quaiyoom, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Revati Phalkey. Intervention of an Upgraded Ventilation System and Effects of the COVID-19 Lockdown on Air Quality at Birmingham New Street Railway Station. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 19-1, pp.575. 

Maria Elisa Quinteros, Carola Blazquez, Felipe Rosas, Salvador Ayala, Ximena Marcela Ossa García, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Roy M. Harrison, Pablo Ruiz-Rudolph, Karla Yohannessen. Quality of automatic geocoding tools: a study using addresses from hospital record files in Temuco, Chile Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 38, pp. e00288920.


Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Valentina Guercio, Alison M Gowers, Gavin Shaddick, Nick C Fox, Seth Love. A critical review of the epidemiological evidence of effects of air pollution on dementia, cognitive function and cognitive decline in adult population. Science of the Total Environment. 2021 Feb 25;757:143734. Epub 2020 Nov 25.

Mousavi SE, Delgado-Saborit JM, Adivi A, Pauwels S, Godderis L. 2021. Air pollution and endocrine disruptors induce human microbiome imbalances: A systematic review of recent evidence and possible biological mechanisms. Science of the Total Environment. 2021. 151654.

Shehab M, Pope FD and Delgado-Saborit JM. The contribution of cooking appliances and residential traffic proximity to aerosol personal exposure. Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering. 2021. 19pages 307–318

Guo C, Weber RJM, Buckley A, Mazzolini J, Robertson S, Delgado-Saborit JM, Rappoport JZ, Warren J, Hodgson A, Sanderson P, Chipman JK, Viant MR, Smith R. Environmentally Relevant Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Produce Limited Acute Pulmonary Effects in Rats at Realistic Exposure Levels. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Jan 8;22(2):E556.

Sayed Esmaeil Mousavi, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Lode Godderis. Exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances and premature skin aging. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021 Mar 5;405:124256. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124256.

Rafiee A, Delgado-Saborit JM, Aquilina NJ, Amiri H, Hoseini M. (2021) Assessing oxidative stress resulting from environmental exposure to metals (Oids) in a middle Eastern population. Environmental Geochemistry and Health.

Rafiee A, Delgado-Saborit JM, Sly PD, Amiri H, Hoseini M. (2021) Exploring urinary biomarkers to assess oxidative DNA damage resulting from BTEX exposure in street children. Environmental Research 203: 111725.

Maria Elisa Quinteros, Carola Blazquez, Felipe Rosas, Salvador Ayala, Ximena Marcela Ossa García, Juana María Delgado-Saborit, Roy M Harrison, Pablo Ruiz-Rudolph, Karla Yohannessen (2021) Quality of automatic geocoding tools: A study using addresses from hospital record files in Temuco, Chile. Cadernos de Saúde Pública.



Abbasi F, Pasalari H, Delgado-Saborit JM, Rafiee A, Abbasi A, Hoseini M. Characterization and risk assessment of BTEX in ambient air of a Middle Eastern City. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 2020; 139: 98-105.
John E. Thornes, Alice Hickman, Chris Baker, Xiaoming Cai, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Azhar Quaiyoom. Proposed interventions to reduce noxious air pollution at Birmingham New Street Station. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport. ISSN 0965-092X | E-ISSN 1751-7710
Soetrisno FN, Delgado-Saborit JM. Chronic exposure to heavy metals from informal e-waste recycling plants and children's attention, executive function and academic performance. Science of The Total Environment 2020; 717: 137099.
Rafiee A, Delgado-Saborit JM, Sly PD, Quémerais B, Hashemi F, Akbari S, Hoseini M. Environmental chronic exposure to metals and effects on attention and executive function in the general population. Science of the Total Environment. Volume 705, 25 February 2020, 135911



Ata Rafiee, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Peter D Sly, Hoda Amiri, Hosein Shabani, and Mohammad Hoseini. Lifestyle and occupational factors affecting exposure to BTEX in municipal solid waste composting facility workers. Science of the Total Environment, 656: 540-546 2019 Mar 15; 656: 540-546. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv. 2018.11.398. Epub 2018 Nov 27
Quinteros ME, Lu S, Blazquez C, Cardenas JP, Delgado-Saborit JM, Harrison RM, Ruiz-Rudoph RM. “Use of data imputation tools to reconstruct incomplete air quality datasets: A case-study in Temuco, Chile”. Atmospheric Environment, 200: 40-49
Zimmerman N, Rais K, Jeong CH, Pant P, Delgado-Saborit JM, Wallace JS, et al. Carbonaceous aerosol sampling of gasoline direct injection engine exhaust with an integrated organic gas and particle sampler. Science of the Total Environment 2019; 652: 1261-1269.


Aquilina NJ, Delgado-Saborit JM, Bugelli S, Ginies JP, Harrison RM. Comparison of Machine Learning Approaches with a General Linear Model To Predict Personal Exposure to Benzene. Environmental Science & Technology 2018; 52: 11215-11222.
K.L. Abdullahi, J.M. Delgado-Saborit and Roy M. Harrison (2018) Sensitivity of a Chemical Mass Balance Model for PM2.5 to Source Profiles for Differing Styles of Cooking. Atmospheric Environment. Volume 178, April 2018, Pages 282-285.
Hickman, C. J. Baker, X. Cai, J. M. Delgado Saborit, J. E. Thornes (2018) Evaluation of air quality at the Birmingham New Street Railway Station. Proc IMechE Part F: J Rail and Rapid Transit 232(6) 1864-1878. Awarded the Safety in Construction Medal of the Institute of Civil Engineering Publishing Awards 2018
Mohammad Hoseini, Masud Yunesian, Ramin Nabizadeh, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Kamyar Yaghmaeian, Ata Rafiee, Saeid Parmy, Sasan Faridi, Reza Ahmadkhaniha, Noushin Rastkari,Kazem Naddafi (2018) Environmental and lifestyle factors affecting exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the general population in a Middle Eastern area. Environmental Pollution. Volume 240, September 2018, Pages 781-792
Ata Rafiee, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Elham Gordi, Vahid Kazemi Moghaddam, Bernadette Quémerais, Wenjing Lu, Fallah Hashemi, and Mohammad Hoseini (2018) Use of urinary biomarkers to characterize occupational exposure to BTEX in healthcare waste autoclave operators. Volumes 631–632, 1 August 2018, Pages 857-865.


Barradas-Gimate A, Murillo-Tovar M.A., Díaz-Torres, J.J, Hernández-Mena L, Saldarriaga-Noreña H., Delgado-Saborit J.M., López-López A. (2017) Occurrence and Potential Sources of Quinones Associated with PM2.5. Atmosphere. Atmosphere 2017, 8, 140; doi:10.3390/atmos8080140
Tuan V. Vu, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit and Roy M. Harrison (2017). Loss processes affecting submicrometre particles in a house heavily affected by road traffic emissions. Aerosol Science & Technology: 51, 2017 - Issue 10.
Gam Gurung, Janet Bradley and Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit. (2017). Is a review of the current Smoke free legislation and guidance required in the UK with particular reference to smoking shelters design, planning requirements and smoke free legislation enforcement? Perspectives in Public Health. l July 2017 Vol 137 No 4


Gam Gurung, Janet Bradley and Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit. (2016). Effects of shisha smoking on carbon monoxide and PM2.5 concentrations in the indoor and outdoor microenvironment of shisha premises. Science of the Total Environment 548–549: 340–346

John Thornes, Alice Hickman, Chris Baker, Xiaoming Cai, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit. Air Quality in Enclosed Train Stations. Themed issued on Transport emissions, climate change and air quality of the journal Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Transport. 170 April 2017 Issue TR2 Pages 99–107 Paper 1500094
Sanderson, S.S. Su, I.T.H Chang, J.M Delgado Saborit, D.M. Kepaptsoglou, R. J. M Weber, Roy M. Harrison (2016). Characterisation of Iron-rich atmospheric submicrometre particles. Atmospheric Environment. Volume 140, September 2016, Pages 167–175
Caitlin L. Maikawa, Naomi Zimmerman, Khaled Rais, Mittal Shah, Brie Hawley, Pallavi Pant, Cheol-Heon Jeong, Chung-Wai Chow, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, John Volckens, Greg Evans, James S. Wallace, Krystal J. Godri Pollitt. (2016). Murine precision-cut lung slices exhibit pro-inflammatory responses following exposure to Gasoline Direct Injection engine emissions. Science of the Total Environment. Volume 568, 15 October 2016, Pages 1102–1109


S. Fonseca, N. Talbot, J. Schwarz, J. Ondráček, V. Ždímal, J. Kozáková, M. Viana, A. Karanasiou, X. Querol, A. Alastuey, T. V. Vu, J. M. Delgado-Saborit, R. M. Harrison. (2016). Intercomparison of four different cascade impactors for fine and ultrafine particle sampling in two European locations. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss. Pages 1-27. DOI: 10.5194/acp-2015-1016
Tuan V. Vu, Jakub Ondracek, Vladimir Zdímal, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit and Roy M. Harrison (2016). Physical properties and lung deposition of particles emitted from five major indoor sources. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health. DOI 10.1007/s11869-016-0424-1



Tuan V. Vu, David C Beddows, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, and Roy M. Harrison. (2015) Source apportionment of the lung dose of ambient submicrometre particulate matter. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16: 1548–1557, 2016
Tuan V. Vu, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, and Roy M. Harrison. (2015) Review: particle number size distribution from seven major sources and implications for source apportionment studies. Atmospheric Environment 122: 114-132. Top-10 most downloaded articles in the last 3-months since publication September 2015 until March 2016.
Tuan V. Vu, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, and Roy M. Harrison. (2015) A critical review: Hygroscopic growth factors of submicron aerosols from different sources and its implication on calculation of lung deposition efficiency of ambient aerosols. Submitted to Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health. 8:429–440
Massimiliano Mascelloni, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Nikolas J. Hodges and Roy M. Harrison. (2015) Study of gaseous benzene effects upon A549 lung epithelial cells using a novel exposure system. Toxicology Letters. 237: 38–45
Brett Gantt, Shamia Hoque, Kathleen M. Fahey, Robert D. Willis, Juana Maria Delgado-Saborit, Roy M. Harrison, K. Max Zhang, David A. Jefferson, Markus Kalberer, Kristin L. Bunker, Joseph M. Conny, Prakacsh V. Bhave, Jason P. Weinstein, and Havala O. T. Pye (2015) Factors Affecting the Ambient Physicochemical Properties of Cerium-Containing Particles Generated by Nanoparticle Diesel Fuel Additive Use. Aerosol Science and Technology. Volume 49, Issue 6, 2015


Delgado-Saborit JM, Stark CP and Harrison RM (2014) Use of a Versatile High Efficiency Multiparallel Denuder for the Sampling of PAHs in Ambient Air: Gas and Particle Phase Concentrations, Particle Size Distribution and Artifact Formation. Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (1), pp 499–507. Top 10 most read article in 2014 Environmental Science and Technology journal. Most read article in the 12-month list from February until October 2015.
Delgado-Saborit JM, Park HD and Cwiertny DM (2014) Emerging investigators: challenges and opportunities for research independence and innovation. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 16, 1169-1170
Brett Gantt, Shamia Hoque, Robert D. Willis, Kathleen Fahey, Juana M. Delgado-Saborit, Roy M. Harrison, Garnet B. Erdakos, Prakash V. Bhave, K. Max Zhang, Kasey Kovalcik, Havala O.T. Pye. (2014) Near-road modeling and measurement of cerium-containing particles generated by nanoparticle diesel fuel additive use. Environmental Science and Technology. 48 (18), pp 10607–10613
Sanderson P, Delgado-Saborit JM, Harrison RM (2014) A Review of Chemical and Physical Characterisation of Atmospheric Metallic Nanoparticles. Atmospheric Environment. 94: 353–365
Alam MS, Delgado-Saborit JM, Stark CP and Harrison RM (2014) Investigating PAH relative reactivity using congener profiles, quinone measurements and back trajectories. Atmos Chem and Phys, 14, 2467–2477.
García-Aleix R., Delgado-Saborit J.M., Verdú-Martín G., Amigó-Descarrega J.M., Esteve-Cano V. (2014) Trends in arsenic levels in PM10 and PM2.5 aerosol fractions in an industrialized area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21: 695-703


Claudio Sartini, Stefano Zauli Sajani, Isabella Ricciardelli, Juana Mari Delgado-Saborit, Fabiana Scotto, Arianna Trentini, Silvia Ferrari and Vanes Poluzzi (2013) Ultrafine particle concentrations in the surroundings of an urban area: comparing downwind to upwind conditions using Generalized Additive Models (GAMs). Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 15, 2087-2095
Delgado-Saborit JM, Alam MS, Godri Pollitt KJ, Stark CP and Harrison RM (2013) Analysis of atmospheric concentrations of quinones and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vapour and particulate phases. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 974-982.
Alam MS, Delgado-Saborit JM, Stark CP and Harrison RM (2013) Using atmospheric measurements of PAH and quinone compounds at roadside and urban background sites to assess sources and reactivity. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 24-35
Abdullahi LK, Delgado-Saborit JM and Harrison RM (2013) Emissions and indoor concentrations of particulate matter and its specific chemical components from cooking: A Review. Atmospheric Environment, Volume 71, June 2013, Pages 260–294


Delgado-Saborit JM (2012). Use of real-time sensors to characterise human exposures to combustion related pollutants. Environ Monit, 14, 1824-1837 Published as part of a special issue dedicated to emerging investigators


Delgado-Saborit JM, Stark CP, Harrison RM (2011). Carcinogenic potential, levels and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon mixtures in indoor and outdoor environments and their implications for air quality standards. Environment International, 37:383-392.
Delgado-Saborit JM, Aquilina NJ, Baker SJ, Meddings C, Harrison RM. (2011) Relationship of personal exposure to volatile organic compounds to home, work and fixed site outdoor concentrations. Science of the Total Environment, 409 478–488.


Aquilina NJ, Delgado-Saborit JM, Gauci AP, Baker S, Meddings C, Harrison RM (2010) Comparative modeling approaches for personal exposure to particle-associated PAH. Environmental Science and Technology. 44, 9370–9376
Delgado-Saborit JM, Aquilina NJ, Baker SJ, Meddings C, Harrison RM (2010). “Determination of atmospheric particulate-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from low volume air samples” Anal Methods, 2:231-242.
Aquilina, NJ, Delgado-Saborit, JM, Meddings, C, Baker, S, Harrison, RM, Jacob III, P, Wilson, M, Yu, L, Duan, M & Benowitz, NL. Environmental and biological monitoring of exposures to PAHs and ETS in the general population, Environ Int (2010) (PMID: 20591483)


Delgado-Saborit JM, Aquilina NJ, Baker SJ, Meddings C, Harrison RM (2009) “Model development and validation of personal exposure to volatile organic compound concentrations”. Environ Health Perspec,117: 1571-1579. (PMID: 20019908, PMCID: PMC2790512)
Delgado-Saborit JM, Aquilina N, Meddings C, Baker S, Vardoulakis S and Harrison RM (2009) "Measurement of Personal Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds and Particle Associated PAH in Three UK Regions". Environ Sci Technol, 43 (12), 4582-4588
Harrison RM, JM Delgado-Saborit, SJ Baker, N Aquilina, C Meddings, S Harrad, I Matthews, S Vardoulakis and R Anderson (2009). Measurement and Modeling of Exposure to Selected Air Toxics for Health Effects Studies and Verification by Biomarkers. HEI Research Report 143. HEI, Boston


Delgado-Saborit JM and Esteve-Cano VJ (2008) “Assessment of tropospheric ozone effects on citrus crops using passive samplers in a Western Mediterranean area”, J. Agric Ecosyst Environ, 124 (1-2), 147-153.


Delgado-Saborit JM and Esteve-Cano VJ (2007) “Field comparison of passive samplers to measure surface ozone in a Mediterranean area”, J. Environ Monit, 9, 610 – 615 (PMID: 17554433)
Delgado-Saborit JM (2007). “La medida del riesgo ambiental” (translation: Measuring environmental risks) Mapfre Seguridad, 107 (3): 50-63


Delgado-Saborit JM and Esteve-Cano V (2006). “Field study of diffusive collection rate coefficients of a NO2 passive sampler in a Mediterranean coastal area”. Environ Monit Assess, 120 (1), 327-345 (PMID: 16741803)
Lee SJ, Delgado-Saborit JM, Demokritou P & Koutrakis P (2006) “Development and evaluation of personal respirable particle sampler (PRPS)”. Atmos Environ, 40 (2), 212-224.

Amigo, JM; Clausell, JV; Esteve, V; Delgado, JM; Reventos, MM; Ochando, LE;


Debaerdemaeker, T; Marti, F (2004) X-ray powder diffraction phase analysis and thermomechanical properties of silica and alumina porcelains. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 24 (1): 75-81


Beltrán, A.; Castejón, P.; Corma, F.; Delgado, J.M.; Rebollo, J.M. (2002) Análisis y evaluación del riesgo medioambiental en el sector cerámico (Aplicación de la Norma Española Experimental UNE 150008 ex. a una industria cerámica) [translation: Analysis and evaluation of the environmental risk in the ceramic sector (Application of the Spanish Experimental Standard UNE 150008 EX to a ceramic industry)]. Cerámica información, 28 (292): 53-63 (ISSN: 0392-8098).

Chapters in Books

Delgado-Saborit, JM. (2019). Chapter 7-Indoor Air as a Contributor to Air Pollution Exposure. In: Harrison RM, Hester RE, editors. “Indoor Air Pollution; Issues in Environmental Science and Technology”, 1st The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK
Delgado-Saborit JM, Harrison RM (2014) Pollution, Causes, Effects and Control, 5th Chapter 20 – Health Effects of Environmental Chemicals. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK. Pp 465-491
Choi H, Harrison RM, Komulainen H, Delgado-Saborit JM (2010) WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected pollutants. Chapter 6 – PAH. World Health Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark. Pp 289-346
Harrison RM, Delgado-Saborit JM, Dor F, Henderson R (2010) WHO Guidelines for Indoor Air Quality: Selected pollutants. Chapter 1 – Benzene. World Health Organization, Copenhagen, Denmark. Pp 15-54
Delgado Saborit, J M (2009). Effects of air pollution on citrus trees. 1 Jan 2009 Citrus II. Tree and Forestry Science and Biotechnology. Vol. 3